Ron Volstad在FB更新了最新完成的这张威龙6800魏特曼虎式坦克封绘的原图,并且简单的讲述了创作过程:这是我为香港的客户最新完成的一张插画作品,描述的是装甲王牌Michael Wittman最后一战的场景。1944年8月8日,仅仅在半个小时内,Michael Wittman指挥的从营长那里借来的虎式坦克被英国和加拿大的装甲部队击毁,其他的4辆虎式坦克也未能幸免。为了完成这张插画,我阅读了大量Totalize和Tractible行动的资料,希望搞清当时的情况,但是我发现当年的真像扑朔迷离,我们可能永远都无法得知真像的本来面目。在2006年,我乘车途经卡昂到法莱的高速公路,距离他遇难的地点就几米的距离,但是因为我那时身体不适正在打瞌睡遗憾的错过了。 原文:My most recently completed illustration for my Hong Kong client depicts Haupsturmfuhrer Michael Wittman as he begins his last march, August 08, 1944. Within a half hour his tank, borrowed from the battalion commander, was hit by either British or Canadian armored units and was destroyed along with four other Tigers. I took the opportunity to read all I could able about Operation Totalize and Tractible to understand just what happened but I fear we will never know all the answers about this event. In 2006 I realized that I road down the Caen to Falaise highway but due to a mild ailment I was dozing as we drove just meters past the location he met his demise. ![]() |
【封绘】Ron Volstad 魏特曼的最后一战封绘原图及注释
【封绘】Ron Volstad 魏特曼的最后一战封绘原图及注释
静态模型爱好者 2018-12-15